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Purdue announces first COVID-19 positive within athletic department

Purdue has its first positive COVID-19 case within its athletic department. (Chad Krockover)

Purdue has its first COVID-19 within its athletic department as it follows through on its phased return to summer activity.

The athletic department announced the positive Thursday afternoon. It did not specify whether it was a student-athlete or staff or which sport might have been affected.

The individual has been quarantined and is being treated, per Purdue.

In June, Purdue implemented a phased reopening of its own, bringing one team back to activity per week for five weeks, starting with football, then men's basketball, then women's basketball, then volleyball and soccer.

It has been monitoring student-athletes daily and testing all of them.

Last week, athletic director Mike Bobinski told that a facility has been set aside on campus for quarantining purposes, and detailed protocol for contact-tracing.

Purdue, as most every athletic department surely is, has kept training groups small, to aid in contract-tracing when necessary. Those who've been exposed to a positive case will be tested and held out of activity until negative test results come in.

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