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With no COVID issues, it's game on for Music City Bowl ... for now

NASHVILLE -- The Music City Bowl is still on ... for now.

While COVID is wreaking havoc to bowls across the nation, compromising rosters to the point of causing teams to pull out, Purdue and Tennessee remain on course to play the Music City Bowl on Thursday.

"Everybody kind of knows what we got to do to stay safe and a lot of these things happen, you can't really control it," said Purdue receiver Jackson Anthrop. "You know, it's kind of just where you're at and what happens. Just following protocol and keeping everybody safe."

According to a Purdue spokeman, the program has a 97 percent vaccination rate. And some players have gotten a booster, which is an on-going process from a scheduling standpoint.

Purdue doesn't require vaccinated players to be tested unless they display symptoms. Unvaccinated players must be tested within a rolling 72-hour period--symptoms or no symptoms.

The program had no reported COVID issues during the 2021 season. And, it reports no personnel currently infected by COVID.

As a precaution, bowl organizers cancelled a Sunday night official welcome party for Purdue and Tennessee at the Wildhorse Saloon out of an ‘abundance of caution.”

“While neither team has reported COVID-19 issues, the Bowl has opted to forgo its only joint player event during Bowl Week,” according to a statement from the Music City Bowl.

It is all systems go for Tennessee from a COVID standpoint, as well, with no infections reported. But, things can change quickly--as this pandemic has shown. But, for now, as of Monday afternoon: It's game on for the Music City Bowl.

"So, whatever we can do we try to help," said Anthrop. "But, other than that, we've been through it before, so we're just hoping to get to the game and be able to get it in."

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