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Arni's Birthday Zoom: Howell Wheaton

Howell Wheaton has lived a great life in agriculture and as a lifelong Purdue Fan. He has subscribed to Gold and Black since its inception 32 years ago.
Howell Wheaton has lived a great life in agriculture and as a lifelong Purdue Fan. He has subscribed to Gold and Black since its inception 32 years ago.

Arguably Purdue's oldest living Knucklehead, subscriber Howell Wheaton celebrated his 98th birthday on Tuesday (August 17) and we caught up with him for an Arni's Birthday Zoom from his Missouri home.


For more on Wheaton, click here on the story we did a year ago on birthday number 97.

Past Arni's Birthday Zoom interviews: Frank Kendrick (9/11/2020) | Akin Ayodele (9/17/2020) | Brandon McKnight (9/25/2020) | Ryne Smith (10/1/2020) | Kenneth Lowe (10/6/2020) | Dave Schellhase (10/14/2020) | Dolapo Macarthy (10/23/2020) | Robert Maci (10/31/2020) | Scott Downing (11/7/2020) | Rich Ostriker (11/18/2020) | Ray Wallace (12/3/2020) | Keaton Grant 12/8/2020 | Mike Robinson 12/31/2020 | Mark Herrmann (1/8/2021) | Dave Shondell (1/17/2021) | Anthony Spencer 1/23/2021 | Elliot Bloom (1/29/2021) | Mike Steele (2/3/2021) | Jim Wood (2/11/2021) | Ryan Isaac (2/16/2021) | P.J. Thompson (2/24/2021) | Calvin Williams 3/3/2021 | Everett PIckens (3/24/2021) | Ryan Berning (4/1/2021) | Jim Niedrach (4/8/2021) | Scott Campbell (4/15/2021) | Lamar Conard (4/22/2021) | Jane (Calhoun) Schott (5/5/2021) | Shaun Phillips (5/13/2021) | Gene Keady (5/21/2021) | Tommie Thomas (5/28/2021) | Rock Supan (6/1/2021) | Isaiah Thompson (6/12/2021) | Danny Dierking (6/15/2021) | Justin Jennings (6/25/2021) | Maynard Lewis 7/3/2021 | Ben Jones 7/7/2021 | Jimmy Oliver (7/12/2021) | Ian Allen (7/22/2021) | Joey Elliott (8/2/2021)

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